How to make Gluten Free Pancakes

Written by Myfanwy Gloster


Posted on February 03 2019

My favourite ever pancakes where those I had on honeymoon in New York... the home to amazing pancakes! Granted the extremely cold weather may have made them taste all the sweeter... nothing ever really comes close. 


However they are also the pancakes that tipped me over the edge and not long after our return home I discovered I actually had ceoliac disease they where the cause of the extreme stomach cramps I'd been getting... 

The search for the perfect gluten free pancake began! 

No one complained about all the testing it took... buckwheat, buttermilk, banana pancakes ! We've tried most combinations!

And then one day this recipe worked wonders! 

This is my go to gluten free pancakes recipe, american style-

100g gluten free self raising flour

25g caster sugar

130ml milk

1 egg

1/2 tsp of baking powder


Add all the ingredients to a bowl and whisk. On a medium heat grease a frying pan. I use serving spoon for each pancake, once they start to bubble on top flip them over. Put them on a plate and cover with a tea towel to keep warm until they'r all cooked. You should get 8-10 pancakes which serves 2-3 people. 

( We cook with an aga so ours cook on a piece of bake-o-glide on the simmering plate with no oil needed.)

Serve with fresh fruit of you choice. If I'm feeling fancy I'll boil some berries in a pan with some water and a little sugar to make a syrup. Lots of maple syrup, clotted cream?! The options are endless! Enjoy!

'Sunday Pancakes' have become a tradition in our house, let us know if you try the recipe!

P.s they are great when you're camping too! put all the ingredients in a back before you leave home than you just need to crack the egg and add milk! Fancy camping!

M x

try my gluten free crepe recipe too-