How To Dry Hydrangea Blooms
•Posted on August 20 2020

Our 6th year at Glosters and so our 6th winter drying hydrangea blooms for the shop, we’ve tried pretty much ever method going and this is defiantly the one that works for us. They keep their colour and fill the vases at the shop all autumn and winter.
It’s about time to start cutting the blooms now (late august, early September) the moment they start to turn on the bushes, the colours start to change, that’s when you need to start cutting.
I chop all the blooms I want to dry, then give them a good shake to remove any bugs!
I soak the heads in a bath of water over night, I know it sounds crazy but it’s tried and tested! Give them a dunk under the water and leave them until the morning.
Remove them from the bath and give them a good shake, again to remove any lurking bugs and now excess water.
I the place them all in vases or bottles with just an inch or so of water and that’s it! Keep them in a cool place, ours go in the Glosters designer pottery shop so it’s never really heated. They crisp up and dry out, in a couple of weeks time you’ll notice the water gone and the blooms now dry. I cut off the dried leaves from the stem and come autumn and winter I often spray with glitter or lustres.
Hopefully this method will work for you too!