January Commissions
•Posted on February 10 2017

As soon as we got back to work in January Tom had loads to be getting on with.
He recently sent this quote pot out to a lovely couple who where recently married, the quote roughly translates to ' I will walk with you whatever may come'. These are new for last year and we hope to expand the range, they are currently amiable to order on our website-
Also in the pipe line and due to be sent out this week are these stripy stuff pots that Tom makes for Mary Maggs, a contemporary Arts and Crafts shop in Worcestershire.
Over the summer we did (i did!!!) some filming with Bryn Williams for his welsh tv series Cegin Bryn which should be on tv around April time, its a cooking show and promotes welsh produce and products, Tom ceramics have featured heavily on the show for the last few years.
Bryn and I cooking in our Kitchen last August
Bryn with the infamous Cegin Bryn pot from the series!
(I can't yet reveal what we cooked, or rather Bryn cooked with my rubbish assistance! But I can tell you it was mega tasty!)
In september as part of the filming when went to London to his restaurant Odettes! It was here whilst we where in the kitchen that Bryn mentioned the possibility of having some Gloster pottery jugs for serving his desserts, they'll have a sauce of some sort in to pour over the desert. Of course Tom wanted to do this, our welsh pottery in a top London restaurant! After wading our way through christmas this was one of the first things to set about doing. Bryn decided on a commission of 60 super mini jugs in a light green glaze.
Super mini jugs been thrown, each is hand thrown on the wheel before being fired, glazed and fired again.
Each product we make here at Glosters is stamped with our makers mark, as these where special for Odette's we added their name to the bottom too.
All Lined up and ready for their final firing- here the glaze looks white but fires to a light green.
And ta da! on their way to London! If you visit Odette's please do let us know if you use one of our super mini jugs!
M x