'Home Grown Talent'

Written by Myfanwy Gloster


Posted on May 26 2017

This is a short blog this week, because 1 we're really busy with sorting stuff for mondays Steddfod and dispatching orders to shops... and 2... it's gloriously sunny! you don't want to be reading my babbling blog! 

So... Steddfod this coming monday! getting a little nervous... it's getting lots of positive feedback.. but how many people will really enter? I have no idea! I've sorted all the prizes, ribboned all the rosettes so far with another lot in the kiln to be done. We're going to set up on the sunday evening so we're organised for the monday morning, radio Cymru are now coming along! The whole point of the Seddfod is for us to celebrate our local talent so we've changed our window display to do just that!

This months window features work from 15 local makers, our home grown talent! Many of which we've been at school or collage with or worked along side at many a fair. Tom threw a huge vase with 'home grown talent' on and we (mother and I) filled it with gorgeous homegrown blooms from her garden. 

If your planing to enter the Steddfod then please come to the vestry between 10-11am (more info on our Facebook event page) 

If you're off to the Urdd, good luck, also Siop Pethe will have some Glosters pottery for sale. (if you need an Urdd congratulations card we have those ;))

Our hanging baskets have arrived just in time for the bank holiday. We've gone big this year! and super colourful! can't wait to see these in full bloom this summer. 

We've got lots of fathers day gifts in (but more on that next week...)


That's it this week! Go enjoy the sun! Spare a thought for Tom... the kiln is currently on 600c in the workshop! We're hosting a mug making course tomorrow in the workshop... it should have cooled off by then honest! 

(see you at the super awesome scooter rally if you're going, we are! I've been watching them arrive all day!) 

Lots of photo's next week and all about our Steddfod and all the winners!! 

M x